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U8s weekly update - Sun 21st Feb

U8s weekly update - Sun 21st Feb

Dan Miller26 Feb 2016 - 09:58

U8s weekly update

We managed to get a training session in last week after a 2 week break and have welcomed another new starter. Its fair to say that the boys played as if it had only been a couple of days!

Stars of the week were awarded to Max and Oscar, who both stood out - well done to you both.

Not only was the largest prehistoric penguin discovered today but in 1931 the Canadian RFU adopted the forward past, they have never looked back since!

The rumours spread on Sunday that this weeks sees us training again have bee proven false. We are in fact playing an away game against Pavoirs, with a 10.30 start. I have copied their advice below with regards to parking and travelling:

'Parking is, unfortunately, a huge issue for us at the moment, so could we ask that you advise all your parents to park down the hill at Burntstump Country Park - following the signs for The Park Hospital and The Police Headquartersl, (For Sat Nav please use post code NG5 8PP). This is a pay and display car park with charges of either £1 or £2 (never sure which, sorry)

There will be marshalls to direct you towards the footpath that leads up to the clubhouse, aproximately 3-4 minute walk away.

We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation.'

So there you go, see you Sunday

U8's Coaching Team.

Further reading